Friday, May 25, 2012

The Shoes for My Brother's Orphanage Project

Update: Now he needs just $30 to make his goal!

UPDATE: Thomas doubled his goal to $800 (scroll down to see that post and video). He is at $721 and change. He's ALMOST there - yay!!!!

UPDATE: Thomas is rapidly approaching his initial fundraising goal. Later tonight we will post a fresh video sharing his idea for what to do with the funds he raises above and beyond $400.

This is a passion project, plain and simple. The children at the orphanage where the mini-turk used to live don't have shoes appropriate for summer weather, so they wear their heavy winter shoes when they go outside. This has bothered Thomas for two years and now he's decided to do something about it.

We've sourced our croc-like shoes at K-mart and done the math on the shipping. For a grand total of $8.00 a pair we can purchase and ship a new pair of summer-appropriate shoes to the orphanage. Our goal is to raise $400 so that we can purchase and ship 50 pairs of shoe before the end of June.

We do not have 501 (c) 3 status so your gift isn't tax deductible. However, every single penny we raise will be used to either purchase or ship shoes. We have no administrative expenses.

We would love to have you as a partner in this project!

How many pairs of shoes would you like to send?


Thank you to Adam King, Elizabeth Marshall, Sherrie Rhodes, Rob Thomas, Mark Silver and Lori Paquette for answering the call so quickly. We've secured TWELVE pairs of shoes already - yay!!

P.S. He loves reading the notes of encouragement in the comments. Please take a minute and leave one for him.


  1. What an awesome project Thomas! You must really love your brother to want to help out his orphanage so much! I just sent three pairs of shoes. Good luck to you, keep us posted on your progress! :)

  2. Thomas,

    I am so inspired by this project that you put together! Your goal to send shoes to the Russian Orphanage is incredible. I will be sure to help spread the word and tell my friends so that you can reach your goal.

    And, maybe even Mr. Barkley will donate a pair or two :)

    Good luck!

    Elizabeth Marshall

  3. Excellent project to undertake, Thomas! I just bought 4 pairs of shoes. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to help! I look forward to your next project!

  4. Thomas, I love that you've created this project to get shoes to the kids in the Russian orphanage. I've donated three pairs, and will let my friends know about this so they can help too.

    Wishing you all good things,

    Hiro Boga

  5. Thank you for letting us know about this need. Not only are you doing something to help the kids in Russia - but you're also inspiring us! Thank you for making us aware, creating a solution, and allowing us to participate. We will spread the word about this and future work!

  6. Thomas, this is an awesome project. I'm so happy to be able to help and have told my friends about it too. Looking forward to helping with your next water project!


  7. Hi Thomas! You are inspiring and AWESOME! Thank you for sharing your project with us through your fabulous mom! Spreading this kind of love and light into the world is such a gift! Keep it up! You are one special kid! I donated and hope that my friends will too. All the best!

  8. Such a great idea, it was my pleasure to support your effort to send shoes to the orphanage. I'm lucky I was able to get in on this, you have tons of supporters. I hope my daughter will be as supportive to others as you are.
