Monday, November 5, 2012

Christmas for the Orphans

(If you are new to Shoes for My Little Brother's Orphanage, start here.)

11/8 - HE DID IT!!!! Thomas has met and exceeded his $800 shipping goal. Now we'll re-group and create a new post about the PRESENTS!!!


11/8 - NEW UPDATE - The donor who issued her original challenge (see below) has upped the anti. If Thomas can hit his $800 goal by the end of this week, she will buy BOTH of the mini-trampolines he wants to send. ONLY $250 $150 $50 $0 TO GO!!!

11/7 - NEW UPDATE: Thomas raised $225 today. Only $275 to go!!

11/6 -UPDATE: Thomas raised $300 toward his goal of $800 in 8 hours yesterday. $500 to go!!!]

11/6 - [UPDATE: A donor has issued a challenge to Thomas. If he can raise the money for the shipping, she will buy one of the mini-trampolines he wants to send. He has accepted the challenge.]

Brace yourselves.

Thomas has an ambitious project in mind for the children who live at his brother's orphanage. Not only does he want to send each child fleece feetie pajamas and warm slippers for the playroom, he wants to add significant equipment to that playroom.

It's cold and snowy where the orphanage is. The children are stuck inside for months at a time without many ways to burn off excess energy. Though we didn't get to see the playroom, I'm guessing it's furnished in the same sparse way as the rooms we did get to see. 

Thomas want to fix that by sending the orphanage two mini-trampolines and a tumbling mat. The great thing is that when the weather warms up, these things can be brought outside. The challenging thing is, they weigh A LOT. Getting them to their destination is going to be very very expensive.

As we learned during the Shoes Project, the only way to get anything to that part of the world is by USPS International Express Mail. No other shipping services deliver there. After doing the math, shipping these heavy items will cost right around $800. We hope. 

This is a significant amount of money and Thomas knows it. But he isn't about to give up what he wants to do. So, he's looking for a shipping sponsor. He wants to secure the shipping before raising money for the clothes and the equipment. If we can ship them there, he'll have to re-think what he wants to do.

Below are two options for being a Shipping Sponsor for Christmas for the Orphans. 

(As most of you know, Thomas's project doesn't have 501(c)3 status, so no contributions qualify as tax-deductible.)

Option One: Fund the whole thing - $800
Your name, your logo, your link will be prominently displayed here and all of my social media channels.

Option 2: Fund part of the shipping. Choose an amount from the drop down menu that fits your budget.

Partial Shipping Sponsorship

Once we secure enough money to cover the shipping costs, we will launch our campaign to pay for the presents. :-)

Thank you for all of the support you give to this young man's dream project!

P.S. If you have a minute, leave him an encouraging comment. He LOVES reading those. :-)


  1. OK Young Turk,

    Here is your mission.....and reward. If you raise the money for shipping, I will pay for one of the trampolines. You let me know when you're ready, and we will square up. Deal?

    Good luck.....I know you'll do it!


  2. I'm honored to help!


  3. I'm inspired by your video and so glad to contribute.



  4. Thomas! You are truly and inspiration! All real change happens in this world because amazing people like you see something that just doesn't sit right or feel well, and darn it, you want to fix it. You are a REAL Agent of Good and I'm proud to support you in your movement! Thank you for caring and doing! John

  5. Well young Turk, you are quite the resourceful young man with a big heart! Your efforts are to be commended over and over! Do not ever give up being so appreciative of what you have and your willingness to share.

    As promised, we will provide you with not one, but two mini trampolines for your little brother's orphanage. Make sure you feed your reindeer don't want them to get tired over the ocean!


  6. Thomas,
    I am very proud to help support your project. You are truly an inspiration by your efforts to bring happiness to other children. I know that the children at the orphanage will be thrilled to receive your gifts and know that someone cares about them. In December 2007, I had the opportunity to travel to Ukraine (Russia's neighbor country) and to visit an orphanage in Chernigov. I really loved spending time with the kids and wished I could have brought them all home with me. I know how much they enjoyed our visit and small presents, so I know the children will really enjoy your Christmas gifts. Keep up the great work!
    DeWayne Pope
